GFRIENDVERSE: Crash Course and Theory Crafting (PART 2)

join r/gfriendverse
21 min readMay 16, 2021



note: from now on it’s good to keep in mind that the music videos don’t follow a linearity and can display moments from different timelines (place and time). the biggest hint we have is the constant use of the duality lightness and darkness, day and night.

Based on some of the images we see in the music video, it seems like the music videos for “Sunrise” and “Time for the Moon Night” are connected. To quickly recap, we found out that Eunha had died at the end of the latter’s music video and that she could only be seen during the night [same in “Sunny Summer”]. in sunrise, we see a lot more scenes during the start of the day. prior to the sunrise, the members could see Eunha freely but once sunrise occurs, she disappears. This barrier upsets the members and it seems like they all end up dying to be with Eunha (i.e. they all reunite during the day at the piano which Eunha is playing at) — kpopreviewed

i will meet you in my dream

chapter ix: time for the moon night
•️️️️️ gfriend themselves talking about theories.
•️️️️ a door can be seen standing in the field, curiously, only in the first teaser.
•️️️️️ yerin is sad and reaches a box (belongings?) and listens to a cassette tape with a cassette player (there is a tape recorder in “love whisper”).
•️️️️️ the cassette tape is named 2006.03 가죽여행 (family trip) (source)
•️️️️ a theory about it being a childhood tape (tweet) related with the solar eclipse that happened in that same date.
•️️️️️ there are some beads with eunha in the fish scene.
•️️️️️ umji’s in a playground, similar to “summer rain”. paper motif: paper airplanes (eunha threw one in “rough” from the bridge).
•️️️️️ umji has bruises in her knees. one of umji’s paper airplanes has “i love mommy” written. we also can see an apple tree.
•️️️️ yuju drops balloons in the sky. she’s also going to a grave, she’s carrying flowers and a pack with a box (fingertip/crossroads!eunha’s box?)
•️️️️ the choreography can be analyzed alone, but it’s important to highlight the moon phases / cycles in the intro and outro for “time for the moon night”.
day: the girls are entering a place (probably after meeting eunha in the field), it seems like the place they are together during the music video scenes.
night: sinb is searching eunha. eunha is alone in a dark room. this is the place she’s staying as we see in the beginning when she closes the curtains. sinb calls the other girls (?) to meet eunha there, she seems emotionless.
off-screen: umji said the “frozen” frames in the ending are actualy the time freezing.
•️️️️️ some performances can carry symbolism, especially the intro for kbs song festival 2018 performance, where a kid takes place in eunha’s role. there are others like the western zodiac and an instant rune esque in gda 2019, after they performed an intro with chants and gears. also summer rain!eunha in the background of mbc festival 2018.️

•️️️️ the era brought its own runic alphabet:

A Korean forum used it to create an expanded alphabet!

crossover theories: a twitter thread analyzing bts and gfriend’s storytelling using philosophy. fans from both groups theorize a venn diagram within their universes (yes, before the acquisition even happened, now the crossover theories are extended to other groups under the same main company, you can check the Wild Mass Guessing crossover folder for them).

Despite the hardships each member experiences, they always turn back to the memories either through reminiscing and no matter how much they miss it, the bond between each member is strong and resilient. — unitedkpop

chapter x: sunny summer
•️️️️️ reddit post with a theory about the shakespeare’s sonnets.
•️️️️️️ the quotes that appear in the music video are from shakespeare’s sonnet 18 and sonnet 43 talking about day, night and dreams.

•️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ ️you can reach the conclusion that being separated from each other during the day becomes easier at night when they can dream of [her].

•️️️️️️️️️️️ they are waiting for the night and everything happens indoors.
•️️️️️️ the music video is most a spin-off, relying more on the sonnets to move the lore, but there are little references / easter eggs:
➳ eunha’s fish tank rather than a small bottle from “time for the moon night”.
➳ yerin gun fingers (“fingertip”).
➳ umji’s paper airplane.
➳ yuju’s mirror motif.
➳ also eunha’s recreation of the girl with a pearl earring and yerin’s silent movies as little homages.
•️️️️️️️️️️️ read the sonnets in modern english below:

Shall I compare you to a summer’s day? You are more lovely and more moderate: Harsh winds disturb the delicate buds of May, and summer doesn’t last long enough. Sometimes the sun is too hot, and its golden face is often dimmed by clouds. All beautiful things eventually become less beautiful, either by the experiences of life or by the passing of time. But your eternal beauty won’t fade, nor lose any of its quality. And you will never die, as you will live on in my enduring poetry. As long as there are people still alive to read poems this sonnet will live, and you will live in it. — Sonnet 18

It’s when I’m most soundly asleep that my eyes best see because all day long they are looking at things that aren’t significant; but when I’m asleep they see you in dreams and glitter brightly, directed to your bright image in the dark. So how would you, whose very shadow brightens the dark, appear in daylight with your even brighter light, when your shadow shines so brightly to unseeing eyes? How would my eyes be blessed by seeing you in the full daylight when they already look at your beautiful image when sleep lies heavy upon them? Every day is a dark night until I’m able to see you and the nights are bright days when I see you in my dreams. Sonnet 43

I had a dream last night, the moment we could be together was just short, we were not far away from each other — Umji, “Sunrise”

chapter xi: sunrise (time for us)
•️️️️️️️ there is a change in ratio and atmosphere when it changes to the foggy forest scenes towards the end.
•️️️️️️️ the foggy forest is heavily inspired by the “arcadian utopia” imagery with the mysterious mist.
•️️️️️️ a popular twitter thread intertwining all the stories until sunrise (outdated now).
•️️️️️️️ sowon keep looking at photo books of the girls.
•️️️️️️️ yerin’s in a phone booth in “eunha’s forest” (summer rain!sowon?), there is also a phone at their house.
•️️️️️️️ yerin’s in a ladder.
•️️️️️️️ it’s eunha’s birthday (spring, may, 30).️️️️ the celebration ends at five-thirty (like her real birthday) in the afternoon, then the lights go out and the girls are sulking without eunha.
•️️️️️️️ umji completes the puzzle with the last piece, the puzzle is a music sheet that she plays in the piano called sunrise (the song that inspired this one).
•️️️️️️️ eunha is playing the song in the piano. umji also is playing piano in a room full of origami papers.
•️️️️️️️ sinb’s single tear in the ending (similar to eunha in “fingertip”), when she’s sleeping.
•️️️️️️️ there is a sundial in the music video. can be related to the clockwise / sunwise and widdershins motions about circle casting (read about casting circles and it will be elaborated in the theory section).
ymmv: some similarities with the indie game to the moon (piano, mementos, memoria, room with origami papers etc).
theory time: ariadne’s myth, tarot cards, witchcraft and ‘wheel of the year’ are part of the next trilogy inspired by esotericism. the three realms is a theory with both trilogies interwoven, it’s not confirmed.
➳ ️️️aforementioned, the trilogy has a heavy magic circle imagery in live performances. this can tied to the “回 (hui)” series and the ‘wheel of the year’ (see images below).
➳ there is a moment if the video where there is an “against the flow” (widdershins) urgent tone reflected in the scenes (something similar happens in “crossroads”), but it could means just a rewind motion.

[…] the act of circle casting was originally based on the direction of the sun’s apparent movement across the sky: circle casting mimics the sun.

In Scottish folklore, sunwise or sunward was considered the ‘prosperous course’, turning from east to west in the direction of the sun. In the northern hemisphere, ‘sunwise’ and ‘clockwise’ run in the same direction, probably because of the use of the sun as a timekeeper on sundials etc, whose features were in turn transferred to clock faces.

“In the eyes of our early forefathers the daily course of the sun, bringing about the alternation of light and darkness and the regular succession of the seasons, was the most striking example that man had of that divine order of the universe which served as a model for order and justice in terrestrial affairs.” — theotherside

➳ is eunha being erased from their memories? time for us (2019) has three versions: daybreak, daytime and midnight. they could meet with her in a liminal time (the witching hour) or a liminal place (crossroads)? they are also in a forest in a tale of the glass bead: butterfly effect.
these magic circles could go up or down, spinning. see the three realms myth, which is close to the ariadne myth in nordic mythology. the myth is centered in a spiral castle and in witchcraft it’s related to the wheel of the year.

For purposes of spiritual travel (or “witch flight”), we use the image of the Spiral Castle (Caer Sidhe) spinning around to open its gate to the different points of the wheel of the year.

➳ in this magic ritual, the place of power has three circles. 1) the first call the three realms 2) the second call all the paths and its respective castles from the spiral castle (the center of the three realms) and the wheel of the year are reflected on it 3) the third circle consists of the gates, all the elements, lightness and darkness (like a pentacle), the airts. this way, they can travel along all the realms and place in between.

#WhatDoYouBelieveIn campign teaser / images from folklorethursday and afwcraft


like the world is ending, eyes closed, i will reach the blue sky with this hand ¹

chapter “memoria”
•️️️️️️️ umji is painting a pink moon: time for the moon night” was released / happened in a pink moon. in another scene she’s climbing up and trying to reach the moon.
•️️️️️️️️ sowon and the paper cranes: can symbolize the myth of “one thousand origami paper cranes held together by strings will be granted a wish by the gods”², meaningful since sowon’s name is literally “wish” in korean.
•️️️️️️️️ yerin and glitter: it was theorized that she could be a mermaid since she has glitter in her knees and hands, at least they have a song by mio with this name, based in the little mermaid (yerin and siren can be anagrams as well).
•️️️️️️️️ yuju and the constellation “tattoo”: (is it lyra?. read more about the constellation related to orpheu’s myth). she tries to draw the pattern in her notebook. it was drawn by umji while she was sleeping.

Without Orpheus and his music, the Argonauts would not have been able to make it past the Sirens, whose song enticed sailors to come to them, which usually resulted in sailors crashing their ships into the islands on which the Sirens lived. When the Argonauts approached the islands, Orpheus drew his lyre and played music that drowned out the Sirens’ calls.

•️️️️️️️️ eunha’s odd eye: different colored eyes can symbolize a link between two worlds, there are many myths involving this, one of them is that a person with heterochromia iridis “can see both heaven and hell, known as ‘ghost eyes’.”³
•️️️️️️️️ sinb and her wings: it could be related to icarus, since the new comeback is labyrinth and the song says “we’re gonna fly in the blue sky”. also “fallin’ light (angel’s ladder)”.
•️️️️️️️️ another interpretation shows a parallel where everything that seems like something (symbols), then turns real through the music video. could it be umji’s power?
•️️️️️️️️ a twitter thread analysis.

According to an ancient mystical tradition, known as Orphism, if you drank from the river of memory, (Mnemosyne), you would retain all your worldly memories, thus ending the transmigration of your soul.¹

This chapter can elaborate better their individual motifs and the biblical motifs. Angel’s ladder can have a connection with the biblical Jacob’s Ladder — in his dream angels were ascending and descending, always representing a connection between worlds. The existence on earth; the existence in the celestial / heavenly spheres.

He had a dream; a ladder was set on the ground and its top reached the sky, and angels of god were going up and down on it. And the lord was standing beside him [or ‘upon it’] — Book of Genesis

our shadows overlapped / our fluttering hearts illuminated / by the light of the moon […] we parted after a chance encounter / but even if i were to pray to god / i can’t see you even if i wanted to / will you hear the wishes of a lost child? ¹

chapter “fallin’ light (angel’s ladder)”
•️️️️️️️️️ sinb has wings in “memoria”, here she burns the “angel’s ladder” (rays from heaven) photos to ashes.
•️️️️️️️️️ umji has a paper motif in all music videos, whether it’s paper airplanes or paper boats, here is no different.
•️️️️️️️️️ yerin is trying to climb the angel’s ladder with a rope. she’s in a ladder in “sunrise” too. it can be a connection to ariadne’s thread myth and twisted concept photo from labyrinth.
•️️️️️️️️️ yuju and her mirror motif appears again (“fingertip”, “sunny summer”) and her reflection moves (in “fingertip”, she was trapped in a mirror-world).
•️️️️️️️️ sowon is surrounded by precious stones, eunha is surrounded by globes, looking like little moons (beads?).
theory time: does this mean sinb is cutting her connections / ties to this portal while yerin tries to reach heaven through it? then it would be two different motivations.


note: it’s good to keep in mind that we don’t know if the story told in the mini books released simultaneously with the series is directly or literally the stories told through the songs and music videos from the era. the series also has its own unique narrative interlaced with the fictional universe.

image from dcinside forum

•️️️️️️️️ the first era spoiler was during sbs music festival stage, called “une journée au jardin”. there is a door and when it opens a garden with a mansion appears as well as a moon near a gate. they had a “rough” comeback stage in a garden before as well.
•️️️️️️️️️ two videos and a vcr were released during this series and the 유리구슬 märchen mini books came with the physical albums:
➳ gfriend’s magical abilities theory (twitter thread). what we know about their powers so far?
️️️️️ 유리구슬 märchen analysis (twitter thread). correction and addition: sinb is holding the arm of umji’s teddy bear. there is something shattered in yuju’s feet. sowon’s shadow is crying. there are just five girls inside the glass bead.
•️️️️️️️️️️ the butterfly is a wish granter and symbolizes death/rebirth. all the myth behind them was unveiled in the marchën book ii.
•️️️️️️️️️ “a tale of the glass bead: butterfly effect” shows that the blue light (butterfly) led eunha to the apple tree (is it inside a labyrinth?). ”crossroads” comeback stage mentions a light: “confused about which light to follow, we are still standing here”. apple comeback stage plays a labyrinth music box version and we can see the scales from the “tilted” concept photos again (but the butterfly in eunha’s scene is gone). the two options in the scale plays a symbolism with the two paths they could take in “a tale of the glass bead: butterfly effect”, the crossroads where they were previously standing. also a moral dillema that comes with the theme.

[回:labyrinth] talks about the mixed emotions a girl faces at a moment of choice and [song of the sirens] is an album that carries on the story of the 回 series. it depicts the story of a girl swayed by temptation, and captures her state of mind as she is swayed by what could have been and being honest in one’s desires, rather than simply being swayed by temptation. — Sowon

•️️️️️️️️️️ the girls said in interviews that the witch concept for “apple” is about an empowering way to take the temptation. it can be seen in the lyrics such as “in the sweet darkness”,glass beads glowing red” (instead of tainted, a bad thing) and “infusing with color all my grey decisions”.

The apple is used as a metaphor to symbolize temptation, whereas the “witch” is used to convey the confidence that comes with being honest in one’s desires” — Sowon

•️️️️️️️️️️ between “crossroads” and “apple” they made a choice:

the title is inspired by, of course, the sirens which appear in greek mythology trying to entice sailors to their doom with their sweet singing. our previous album, 回: labyrinth, was a story about girls facing a choice and the complications in their thoughts. the new album is about having selected a path and yet again facing another choice. — GFRIEND

•️️️️️️️️️️ ️labyrinth carries a lot of symbolism. subconscious, transformation, fear to loose youself, losing the way and fiding yourself again and many others.
➳ in the original myth, the labyrinth hides a monster and the evil that it represents, the minotaur. it can be extended to any representation evil or bad being trapped.
➳ from the entrance to the center is a journey that can have its own siginificance to this story. the center can be enlightenment, wholeness. “eye of the storm” written by yuju is an example of this, a journey to their own center, their world.
➳ the circular movement keeps with the universe rejecting linearity (message from “wheel of the year” and the hui symbol itself).
➳ the center is often associated with otherworld, other realms or even underworld as well. this symbolic connection with hell and the serpent format could even show the labyrinth as the opposite of paradise.

image from ancient-symbols


回 is a sino-korean word which means ‘to spin’

Reinterpreting myth with “回” series: A festival of mythical women, as reimagined by GFRIEND:

GFRIEND have been borrowing women from literature and myth to be the subjects of their “回” series: Ariadne and the Labyrinth from the myth of Theseus; the mythical Siren and Biblical good and evil; Faust’s Walpurgis Night and medieval witches.

image from afwcraft

labyrinth < three concepts >

room (eunha’s room? liminality?): the room throughout the series is like the representation of the girls.
▪️ threads similar to yerin’s “fallin’ light” ladder scene.
▪️ the fates from greek mythology use it, they control the thread of life.
▪️ it’s confirmed to represent ariadne’s thread myth. they will be their own ariadne to get out of their own labyrinth.

in folk magic and mythology, crossroads may represent a location ‘between the worlds’ and, as such, a site where supernatural spirits can be contacted and paranormal events can take place. symbolically, it can mean a locality where two realms touch and therefore represents liminality, a place literally ‘neither here nor there’” — Wikipedia

you know the truth / i’ll soon become you

< tracklist theories >
➳ “summer rain” and “rough” lyrics mentioned crossroads.
➳ yerin’s tape (march 29th, 2016), that happened a lunar eclipse.
➳ “labyrinth” mentions “hurricane” can be related to the chaos theory as a butterfly flapping its wings and causing a hurricane. the lyrics seen very lore influenced (read here).

song of the sirens < three concepts >
broken room: referencing the previous concept called room. they said “the room itself is broken and they are also broken internally”¹.
tilted: a lot of symbolism. every member has two objects in a scale: sowon (diary vs. jewels), yerin (teddy bear vs. money/credit card), eunha (glass bead vs. butterfly), yuju (flowers vs. shoes, they are the one from “atotgb: butterfly effect”, left in the forest), sinb (flashlight vs. trophy) and umji (paper airplane vs. apple). you can notice the scale showing the weight of the objects, more symbolic than literally. especially in “apple” comeback stage intro. the books used: lord of the flies by william golding, sense and sensibility by jane austen, on liberty by john stuart mill and disgrace by j.m. coetzee.

They seem to be weighing up the importance of different valuable things in their story. The novels “Lord of the Flies” and “Sense and Sensibility”, which discuss themes like “rationality vs emotion” and “civilisation vs savagery vs spirituality” and “strength vs weakness”, add to the judgement vibes of the outfits. What is truly important? Power or friendship? Very intriguing teaser overall. — ultimoze (reddit analysis about the duality theme)

apple: represents the temptation concept, dazzling and shining.

<️ tracklist theories >
➳ yuju’s motif, a room of mirrors in “fallin’ light”.
➳ “apple” lyrics is very lore-driven. it sits with “labyrinth”.
➳ read some interviews where they talk about sots overall theme (both related to fictional story and their personal experiences): elle, the clash, teen vogue.

theory time:
➳ fever lyrics: “like a dream aria”. ariadne is a princess in greek mythology related to labyrinths and part of the minotaur myth. although, it probably is just aria, the song.
➳ sinb has wings in “memoria” (a reaching the sky thematic), icarus is also related to labyrinth, he’s son of the creator (daedalus).
➳ “a tale of the glass bead”. there are theories relating to hermann hesse’s the glass bead game.
➳ ariadne has a crown, corona borealis (sunrise!sowon crown?), dionysus gave to her in their marriage, the concept pictures from “sunrise” resemble a marriage day. later corona borealis turned into a constellation.

In Welsh mythology, it was called Caer Arianrhod, “the Castle of the Silver Circle”, and was the heavenly abode of the Lady Arianrhod. To the ancient Balts, Corona Borealis was known as Darželis, the “flower garden.” — Wikipedia

the back of the front / what’s more on that back side?

walpurgis night < three concepts >
my way: the arc represents women as witches, but here it reaches modern women as witches as well.
my room: in contrast with the previous concepts. here they show their own room, their inviduality as their own person, beyond fiction. you can read about it on their interview during the era.
my girls: friendship. reminiscent of “three of cups”, a song about female friendship.

< tracklist theories >
the album as a whole is more personal than lore driven (you can check the interviews), but wheel of the year” lyrics intertwined the entire series (even referencing compass).

One way, you and i are not split up
This way, take a look of this orbit that we drew
The sun & moon’s time is like winter and spring
The beginning and the end is not fixed
One way, Let’s make a big circle

chapter xii: crossroads (labyrinth)

▪️ eunha went through three timelines (room crumbling sequence): “fingertip”, “time for the moon night” and “crossroads”.
▪️ the train is going backwards in the end (yerin confirmed off-screen).
▪️ eunha’s butterfly goes to yerin’s bathtub scene. before this scene, eunha’s box has three butterflies.
▪️ sinb prevents yerin from taking the train.
▪️ yuju has a bruise after her fight with umji. note: umji has bruises in her knees in “time for the moon night”.
theory: it could be the conflict that led them in separate ways, the first timeline. note: in navillera the girls are suspiciously treating eunha like they don’t know her since childhood. there is also an unsolved love triangle between eunha, yerin and sinb.

chapter xiii: apple (song of the sirens)
▪️ apple isn’t mentioned in the song, and rather used as metaphor for their glass beads turning as red as an apple visually (a visual metaphor in the music video) and symbolizing temptation in the lyrics.
▪ the girls can be seen with scissors in “apple” cutting each other’s hair and burning it, like casting a spell.
▪️ temptation arc, forbidden fruit, tempting apple, garden of eden are all present tropes as well as fairy tale motifs (alice in wonderland, sleeping beauty, cinderella etc). a tale of the glass bead: butterfly effect works as an intro for “apple” as the latter is the direct continuation.
▪️ the girls are eating petals in the first teaser. read about lotus eaters.
▪️ they burned the tree. it can symbolize many things. one of them is purification and let the past burn. or even rejecting the temptation of the apple tree, symbolizing taking the temptation in their own terms.
▪️ it looks like the garden is near a labyrinth (yerin wandered there) and a castle. the tracklist shows a similar scenery with a red light in the center of the labyrinth surrounded by the forest (everything indicates it’s the forest from a tale of the glass bead: butterfly effect, which leads to “apple”).
▪️ eunha opens the box releasing the butterflies (there is a visual metaphor for pandora box). the red glass bead inside it.
▪️ when they are ascending to the throne, they look translucent.
▪️ the thorns at the end are mentioned in the first verses from the lyrics (and choreography), umji’s verses talk about the chosen path not being easy and a possible dillema. curiously, even though the horns are literal in the mini books and part of being a witch, there is the expression “be on the horns of a dillema”.
▪️ the lyrics mentions “festival”, it can be walpurgisnacht’s night (“witches’ night is coming”) is a festival that happens in april, 30 (coincidentally, time for the moon night was released on this day). update: confirmed since the final album is named after that.
▪️ some comeback stages showed a blood / red moon and a pentacle. it gets darker every stage.
theory time: there is a scene looking like a yuju’s initiation, would she become the last girl to turn into a siren (give in into temptation)?
➳ yerin being an anagram for siren and sowon has a shadow help to put them as the most probable antagonists.️ buddies back up this theory with sowon being the one who looks back in the door scene and eunha’s scene turns red.
➳ could we hear hounds howling in the song? (the hounds of annwn protect the place, the celtic otherworld, could the place where apple happen annwn? also often used interchangable with avalon, the isle of apples (lady of the lake is an important figure related to this myth and schubert’s ave marialike the gfriend song — is about her).

Avalon was a misty island where magical people lived, including nine sister-priestesses. Avalon was known for its magical apple orchards, which is how it got its name. The Avalonian people lived naturally off the land and ate apples, grapes, and wild herbs grown on the island. They honored the sun and the moon, a god and goddess, and mother nature.

Apples were prevalent and we know this because of the name of this magical place. Apples are a representation of the Mother Goddess. Cut an apple in half horizontally and the seeds form the shape of a pentagram — a five pointed star and a symbol connected to the Goddess herself. Apples symbolize knowledge.

ymmv: some similarities with the anime puella magi madoka magica, but be careful with spoilers if you haven’t watched.️ themes explored with song of the sirens can have paralles with the marriage of heaven and hell by william blake.

chapter ix: mago (walpurgis’ night)
▪️ “mago” is confirmed to be both the “magician/wizard” and the korea deity mago, part of east asian creation lore (non mentioned by them, but it’s also a star name HD 32518).
“️mago” lyrics is a self-dialogue using mirrors. similar to “room of mirrors”, but while the latter is about envy and self-image, “mago” is about self-acceptance.
▪️ “6960 magic” is a reference to the witch’s broom nebula (NGC 6960).
▪️ “no more fairy tale” clearly reference the previous story being a dark fairy tale.
▪️ the lyrics create a purification and rebirth imagery (as a phoenix, reborn by fire), like it continued from “apple”, “in this midnight / in the blessed flame i fly reborn”.
▪ ️“we can dance in this moon night again (come with me)” is like the disco ball is a moon. a women-only club in an underground passage recalls a secret place where they can be free (reminder that here there is no fairy tale, it’s real life, they are modern witches finding freedom on the dance floor, like a homage to disco as well).

I am the light and the darkness
Lies or truth I can be both
Whatever I choose, so it’ll be
Joy or sorrow
All this will be me

▪️ the after credits for the music video show a tunnel similar to “sunrise”. in that music video, set in a different time (fairy tale and royal fashion style), their clothes used in the tunnel are very different and retro.

credits to sinb_cosb

▪️ choice is an important word for this trilogy. their second photobook with same name resembles tarot cards.
➳️ sowon (the temperance), yerin (the chariot), eunha (wheel of fortune), yuju (the empress), sinb (the strength) and umji (the magician).
▪️ the vcr for 2021 nyel hints at the glass bead store from dear buddy: make a wish:

Glass Bead Store, the place filled with mystery where things you never expected will happen and six mysterious clerks who keep the store. The only day that you can visit glass bead store. GFRIEND third fan meeting “Dear Buddy — Make a Wish”. An opportunity of only one day when your wish will be fulfilled. On that special day, what will happen there?

to be continued…. (latest update: 210316)

ny correction or suggestion can be done through Curious Cat or the r/gfriendverse subreddit!

A playlist with video theories available on YouTube.
Crossroads Concept Photo | Cover

